Sunday, May 13, 2007


Today as I think about my mother I am so thankful that she gave me a foundation of believing in God. I can remember her putting me to bed and teaching me the sign of the cross as my bedtime prayer. She taught me this simple prayer in Spanish. I can still see the two of us, me tucked in bed and her sitting at the side of the bed guiding my hands to make the sign of the cross. Bless her Lord.

My son told me today how good a mother I was while he was growing up. I'm so glad he said that because I can remember so many of the mistakes. To tell the truth I think I was a lousy mother sometimes. I had little patience and yelled alot. I had to so many troubles that I think I took my frustrations and fears out on my kids. I have a lot of guilt over that. So to hear them say that I was a good mom blesses me.

There have been times that I have remembered something that I feel so guilty over and I've called my son to tell him I was sorry for the time I..... and he doesn't even remember! That blesses me to. Maybe God has covered that memory with grace so they weren't traumatized.

If I could do it over again there are so many things I would do over.

Tomorrow Mother's Day will be over and I won't think about these things again. One thing I can thank God for is that I directed them to God like my mother did for me. If that's the only thing I did good in their life than I am happy.

There is no greater gift than the knowledge of God, a legacy of faith.

From my mother, to me, to my children, to my grandchildren and to generations after.

God be praised!

1 comment:

Lisa@UnexpectedJourney said...

Yes, I would have to say Mom set us on a good foundation for a relationship with God. I am so thankful for that too.
You've done a good job with your kids. I'm sure you did the best you could. We didn't really have a healthy family situation that we could follow so even I find myself in situations that I don't have a clue as to what I should do. I don't have a memory to fall back on. Thank God He's led me to people, books, and other resources that I can learn from.
Your children have turned out great. It is so nice to see how time is moving on and now your kids are raising their kids. You can still exert a great influence on them. Your mothering influence still goes on! Keep praying. I'm sure you will leave a blessed legacy!