Friday, June 15, 2007


What gives? I keep waking up at the wee hours of the morning? Insomnia? It's been happening within the last couple of weeks. What's going on in my brain? What am I doing blogging at this hour of the morning? Nothing like a bright screen to keep me alert. I think I'll turn off the light and go count sheep, or pray, or think, or toss and turn.


Yes, I pay allegiance to the american idol daily. This idol has stolen my heart and takes so much of my time. Please, no one disturb me when I am "worshiping." My idol is TV.

How many times have I professed, "No more!" and how many times has that thing called me back. TV is not bad but when it becomes more important to me than being in God's Word, it is a sin.

Yesterday evening I was deliberate in not watching TV, though I did want to watch The Office but had to go out during that time. What did I do with my time? I did Bible study. And it was great! I could feel my brain starting to function again and ask questions about what I was reading in the Word to cause me to do some cross-referencing and word-study. Colossians 3:18 is a big one. What does it really mean to submit to one's husband? This verse is a hot-one in Bible studies, and my small group will be discussing it this coming Tuesday. It means what it says, wives submit. I think we often stop at verse 18 and forget to look at verse 19 where husbands are to love their wives and not be harsh with them. They go together. I have to look at Col. 3:14 which says "put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony." A loving husband enables a wife to submit, come under, her husbands authority, head of the family position, more willingly. And if he's not loving? Hmmmm, I haven't got that far yet.

If I was watching TV all night I wouldn't have had this stimulating study.

I resolve today not to watch TV. Just for today. One day at a time.

Welcome into my heart Lord Jesus. I've been away too long. Renew me today by the power of your Word. Your Word is Life.