Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm feeling as spiritually dry as the old tree trunk. (I hope it's not dead!)

It's been almost a month since I've last been in church and I feel it so bad. Today it felt so good to be at church in the park and with my spiritual family, Gloria, Irma, Sandy, Julie. I actually could feel the joy of the Holy Spirit welling up in me.

I've backslidden so much. No Bible reading. No prayer. It sure does make a difference. That saying is so true, "A week without prayer makes one weak." Same can be said for "A week with out the Word makes one weak."

I recommited myself to the Lord today, with my time, tithe and talents. And I meant it. There's that verse in the Bible that says, When I am faithless, He is still faithful." Thank you Lord for your abundant, amazing Grace. I hate to think where I'd be without you. Your love is amazing. I am your daughter and I love you.

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