Thursday, September 13, 2007


EVERY blog I visit is amazing to me that women can be so creative. Everyone with a blog is beautiful. Have the beautiful children. Handsome husbands. Patience of a saint. No one seems to have problems.

I wish I could come across a blog that had normal people, like my family. Not perfect.

I think every blogger has gone to college because they write so creatively and humorous. Some blogs, its like reading a book. And the graphics, oh my. Did they go to school for that too?

I've come to realize that the people who look average or below don't blog or don't let anyone visit their blog. Only the beautiful people reveal themselves.

This culture is so looks oriented and it comes out on the blogs.

Will the real people please come out of the closet.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Hey, thanks for your honesty! I just came across your blog, and wanted to encourage you if I may (because I've thought the same thing when I read others' blogs). We get to be pros at only letting other people see the good side of us, but we all have our struggles! Just remember, you are only reading what others are willing to share - sometimes not the deep down insecurities and difficulties of life. Hang in there, and hopefully you will find some kindred souls out there who love their grandchildren, also!